Artist born in San Carlos de Bariloche. He currently resides in El Bolsn. Graduated in Plastic Arts with specialization in Graphic Design at the Etablissement d'Enseignement Superieur Artistique in Brussels, Belgium Editorial Diesel Rionegrino Fund publications, for which the book covers and realiz32 numerous posters and leaflets. She taught Graphic Design at the School of Visual Arts "Alcides Biagetti" Carmen de Patagones and realizuna exhibition of designs in the Regional Historical Museum of El Carmen. Viviana form Dziewa recorded. Today he devotes himself to painting, attending the workshop of Paul Cortondo plastic edge. In 1994 he won first prize in the Salon of illustrated poems by the poet Grace Cros. In 2002 out in the SCUM of Bariloche, near the Eros Group. In October 2005, performs a solo show at the Film Exhibition Space Range city of Viedma.